So I hit the gym today. I didn't make it up early enough the other morning to go for my morning run. I have other things on my mind right now. Like how can I make more money and stay in Fort Worth.
ANYWAY...I kept up with my running. I ran a 5k today at the gym under 33 minutes. I even did a 2 minute interval at the end of each mile. I was proud of myself for running my last 2 minutes at 7.0. I didn't think I was going to make it. I had to hold on the the treadmill to catch my breath and then my song came on and I was set for the last minute. I ran hard...looked straight and just kept my eyes straight ahead.
Do you ever get that way when you are running? Your not really looking at someone or something when you are running. You are just looking straight. You don't pay attention to who's walking in front of you and when someone gets on the treadmill next to you. Unless it's a guy and of course you have to check him out to see if he's cute. Not that it matters...but it's just instinct.
Anyhow, it felt great to be on the treadmill again. BUT I need to update my playlists. UGH!! Don't laugh but I added a song last month that I love!!! Cruel Summer by Bananarama. I couldn't help it. I found it and added it. Plus this summer has been cruel. I'm running in the heat and I have a new job that I LOVE but it doesn't pay well.
All is good...i'm off tomorrow and I need to get an oil change and now my car is saying my coolant is low. This is when having a man comes in handy. He could just deal with the car issues and the grass and the trash and whatever other things that men should take care of.
Tomorrow, I will be back at the gym. Good times are here again.
Back Again
13 years ago
where is the feminism?? you can change your own oil and coolant or whatever! ha ha. I'm so impressed that you ran at 7.0 for two minutes!!. Oh my Lord - I push myself to 6.7 and I can only do it for 30 seconds and I feel like my legs are going to come unhinged. I also get in to zones on the treadmill where I don't notice anyone.. I too need to mix up my workout mixes. It's ridiculous! Let's exchange ideas. I like Cruel Summer. Good one!