Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm Still HERE!

Okay...Okay...Okay!! Yes I have been MIA in a big way! 6 months later I'm still in Vegas and still battling the bulge. I have been yo-yoing like a mad woman for the last 6 months.

So I completed my 5th Half Marathon in March in Dallas with my cousin. We weren't really happy with our time but that's what happens when you stop training.

In May I picked it up again for three weeks running and hitting the P90 X and my stomach was melting. But then SHIT happens and I stop for like three weeks. Then start up for a week then stop for three more weeks then start then's like taking the Greyhound bus across the country. Up and Down...Up and Down (i'm sure you can imagine other metaphors but that is mine). Because no matter what i'm still moving just at a slower pace.

Even after so many friends that kept asking me what's up? Why are you MIA? Well it's a tough thing to keep up with your personal life in this crazy world. Not only work but boys can really be a distraction. But now that I'm done with that!! I have moved on.

So with all of this...I am making another stab at this running thing and starting fresh. I will be working on my schedule and put it together to report each day. Now, my daily reports may be really short. It's is election season after all so I will try the best I can.
I started this blog on it is Wednesday and I have just enough time to finish this post and run to the Elections Department. UGH...
RUN LOG: Week 2
Monday - 2 miles outside - slow and steady
Tuesday - 2.75 miles at the gym with speed work
Wednesday - 3.65 miles outside - easy run

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