Tuesday, February 16, 2010


HAPPY MARDI GRAS Folks!! Tonight is the last night that you can enjoy that one or more items that you will be giving up for the next 40 days and 40 nights. Now, while I know that not everyone is a Catholic and actually participates in Lenten traditions it is a known fact that even the most fickle of catholics particpate in Lent. Hell, we all have those stories of being a child and having to give up candy or cokes or cheeseburgers or Taco Bell (I was in high school!).

Anyhow, tonight I will be celebrating FAT TUESDAY with some Mojitos. I will be paying to my lord tomorrow at noon mass and making a commitment to myself to cut all cocktails and sweets from my diet for 40 days. YEP! That's right no more cocktails for me. Well, it won't be that hard since I gave it up drinking last year.

If you aren't a religious person then think about this as a COMMITMENT to yourself. This morning I was up at 6am hit my coffee, cereal and my P90x. Polymetrics -- Holy Crap! It kicked my butt but in a good way. It was all about jumping around and getting your heart rate up. I LOVED IT!

FINAL TIME for my 4th Half Marathon was 2:31:52. I beat my Vegas time. So far this is my best time. My goal is to run my butt off for the next 3 weeks and see if I can match that time in Dallas on March 14th. YEP! I am locked in for my 5th Half Marathon - It is the Dallas Inaugural Rock n' Roll Half Marathon.

So, whatever you do tonight to celebrate Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday please be sure to have a designated driver with you. Or at least enough cab money!!


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