Even though everyone that I know has a touch screen phone and loves forwarding photos to which when I receive them on my phone it takes me 10 minutes to copy the link go to my browser, paste the link, add whatever letters didn't make the copy and viola! I get a picture. It works but it just takes forever. I LOVE MY BLACKBERRY!
Well, during our conversation I was telling my cousin that she should just buy the P90x because my friend that said he had extra copies and would send them to me has not done so.
The point of this is to say that I made a commitment to upgrade my phone to the new HTC 4G phone. I hear they have cool apps to play with and even some that can help with my training. So here's to those of us that hate giving up our blackberries. I will keep you posted about when I get my phone. Maybe the waiting list will take so long my cousin will forget I agreed to this. (crossing my fingers)
Until then....BTW I ran 3.1 miles at the gym this morning.
Week 2 Mileage Tally: 11.4 miles -- WOOHOO!!! TOOTLES
I was like you - I didn't want a touch screen either but I bought the HTC HD2 (T-mobile) back in April and I LOVE IT!!!! You'll get used to it and there's so much you can do, I still need to figure a few things out but with the kids I don't have much time to do this. But I will soon!