Sunday, April 15, 2012


Yea, I'm being cheesy and lame. Well lots has happened since the last time a logged in.

My cat died, I got a new job and I broke up with my boyfriend. I actually thought this was the guy I was looking for. I mean a year and several months has got to count for something. We developed relationships with our immediate families. But then at some point someone has to speak and state the obvious. Even if it hurts like all hell. Then to get a text after 6wks of the breakup saying "the reason we don't talk is because I'm seeing someone and im with her now. And I love her" Are you f***in kidding me?? What the f*** was I? 8 weeks before you loved me. Does love really come and go like that? Maybe my instincts were right on. Never doubt your gut. If you have any intuition trust it.

Well, I'm getting back on regiment. I need to finish what I started. I have to remember not all men are worthy. But seriously I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to be that old lady all alone.

Yikes!! 7 Weeks to my next half marathon in San Diego. Looking forward to the pain!! LOL